While I write this post I'm laughing because my housemate is grumbling about our neighbors. "Get a %*&^ing job, you people." That could be said for a lot of our neighbors actually. It seems to be popular for the 30 something year olds from France to come wander to Reunion, and well, never leave....or do anything, for that matter. But worry not, my fellow humanitarians, because the French government will save them from themselves, or rather feed their bad habits. Of course I can't really complain about Olivier, our neighbor, who has lived here for over 2 years, doing....well...the macarena. He's quite funny at least, and I think Nathalie has completely confused him, explaining how she is my cousin from Texas....he doesn't really trust us anymore.
I've met less Reunionnais who are unemployed. Even the rather young seem to already be in the working world. The other weekend we met teenagers already working in bakeries, stores, shops....Strangely enough whenever we try to meet Reunionnais our age, they are surprisingly absent....
Turns out there's a good reason for that, as their mothers complain about bitterly: all the 20 somethings are in "Metropole," the mainland. Well, that is, those that can afford to. So that leaves a huge gap in the age group here: The really young, and the not so young. And then there's us. The assistants.
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