So now we are back in St Moritz, Switzerland. The classy, world famous ski resort/ celebrity hang they say. It is beautiful, if you wander through the forests and manage to avoid other people, somehow. It's nicknamed "The top of the world," because of elevation, both physically and reputation wise.
Even on top of the world, however, you can have bad weather. I can't believe it, but it's actually snowing in St August. Well, up high in the mountains at least. And worse, down here, it's raining, a cold, miserable rain, which never seems to end. One of the girls' tennis instructors, Donato told me that anything is possible in St Moritz. Even snow isn't unusual for this time of year. It used to always snow in the summer, he told me.
The nature is still beautiful, if you ignore how cold it is. While we ride our bikes around, I like to play my favorite game: guess the language of the tourist. It's always kind of a challenge to decide what language to use to say, "Watch out," or "Coming up on your left!" It's easy to resort to Italian, since half the people here are either from Italy or speak the language as their native tongue. However you also always have to weigh in the potential for a Swiss German to walk by, which more than 50% of the time this happens. Then you have the handful of Swiss French, or Swiss that speak Romantsch, that language that nobody seems to know about, hidden in the mountains somewhere. In the end, it takes me so long to decide what to say, I just ring my bell, and hope they get the point.
I have never had Swiss German or Swiss French but I do really enjoy Swiss Miss hot chocolate.