Ah Zurich.....after having been there for at least 8 times, I feel like this city merits a post or two, at least.
There's something about Zurich that's very appealing. Even though the people have a reputation for being somewhat...."apathetic," (my great aunt loves telling me the story of how she fell on a sidewalk in Zurich and nobody helped her up....)I disagree. As a matter of fact, I find Swiss people, even in Zurich to be rather friendly folk. Admittedly the few times that people have attempted to talk to me, they don't get very far before they realize that my German is what we would call nonexistent.....I've still had a surprising number of laughs with people on trains, or in stores, those few times I've attempted to buy chocolate on my own....
Nevertheless, whether or not the people are polite, or shy, or too stressed about being on time, I hold judgement. As for the city itself, it is like magic. Everything works, clocks are always set to the right time, and trains always arrive on time, or early. Somehow everything is clean, and the public restrooms are really stylish.
Yet, once you get past the touristy "old town," or the scenic viewpoints of the lake, where there are always mobs of tourist, there are always things to see. The best part is finding those hidden places that you didn't know existed, because they aren't publicized for the tourists, and the locals don't always tell you about them. Everytime I've been, for example, I've always found a green house, large parks, and hidden odd places. Everything is so neat, green, and very "natury," you know, the kind of stuff I like.
There's never a shortage of greenery or forests, and sometimes you just wonder how the Swiss got it right. Is it all that money they have from the banking that makes them want to show off their wealth in some "green, environmentally friendly" style, or do they just have some connection to nature that would exist, regardless of how expensive their standard of life is? Is Zurich pretty because of its wealth and cleanliness, or is it all the room they have for nature? I'll go with the latter, because I've never spent time with the wealthy and powerful in Zurich, and instead have friends of more reasonable standards of living. And I have to say, the best times have been kicking back in the large green lawn, in the summer heat (well, not this summer), drinking a beer and just talking.
Zurich looked pretty because you were drunk from drinking beer sitting in the large green lawn. I bet you were just so drunk you were actually sitting on the ground in a dirty bus terminal.