Dominique's house, not too shabby, huh?
Everytime I go to a new place, I'm always nervous about public transportation, and buses are the worst. It's that first time, awkwardly asking the driver whether you're on the right bus, fumbling through pockets for the right change, awkwardly grabbing the ticket. Then you have to figure out how to validate your fare, whether there is some sort of machine, or if you can just sit down and try to blend in (ha!).
Today was my first day trying out the buses in Reunion. I managed not to get lost, always a success, and even had a moment to enjoy the plush seats that made the "car jaune" rather plush and upscale Greyhoundish. What really amused me was how to demand a stop, instead of using buttons or handles, as there were none on the bus, everyone just clapped. As we rode along on the bus, you would hear "clap!" "clap!" every once in a while. I kind of enjoy it, it makes the ride more interactive. The last bus I took on the way home was driven by an old man that kind of mumbled at me in Creole, which of course I didn't really understand. I can't decide who was more confused, him or I, since I asked him to stop in Ste Therese....after the church?? But he put my Euros in his burlap bag, and shifted the bus into gear, closing the door...eventually. Funny how that bus ride cost 20 cents more than the other.
We drove through Le Port, which is the not as nice part of the island, where Carrie is going to assistant teach. You can see all the houses made out of tin, needless to say quite different from the part of La Possession where we live. I was curious to see what they looked like on the inside, but of course, the bus kept moving, and it was too dark anyway. All I know was I enjoyed the family I saw having a barbeque on the front step, they really looked like they were having fun. Finally I was the last one on the bus, and saw the church coming up. I was so worried about missing my stop that I clapped, and the doors opened on time. I made it home, rather proud of myself for having officially navigated properly.
Hehe, I'm gonna try this in Zürich. Clap in the bus to stop it :)
ReplyDeleteWho knows? Maybe that could be a secret international bus driver code hard wired into their brains. ;-)